We are a professional sports and fitness training establishment specialized in Personal training, devoted to delivering the best services available while prioritizing the convenience of the customer be it at home or any other place.


Prenatal Postnatal Fitness Classes


Healthier Pregnancy with Pre and Postnatal Fitness Classes in Dubai

Pregnancy is an amazing time filled with physical and emotional changes. Maintaining physical activity during pregnancy provides many benefits for both the mother and the baby.

GOFIT offers specialized prenatal and postnatal exercise classes and health coaching in Dubai to help women have a stronger, healthier pregnancy.


Benefits of Prenatal Exercise Classes

Regular exercise during pregnancy provides many physical and mental health benefits. Some of the main advantages of prenatal exercise classes include:

Regular exercise during pregnancy provides many physical and mental health benefits. Some of the main advantages of prenatal exercise classes include:

  • Reduced back pain, constipation, bloating, and swelling.
  • Strengthened muscles needed for labor and delivery.
  • Improved sleep quality.
  • Enhanced energy levels.
  • Reduced risk of gestational diabetes.
  • Improved mood and reduced stress/anxiety.

Pregnant women who receive our prenatal health coaching can do safe, low-impact workouts designed just for them. Our certified personal prenatal trainers guide you through workouts focused on building core strength, stability, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance.

Our prenatal classes use equipment like stability balls, resistance bands, and light weights. We modify exercises as your body changes each trimester.

Have Questions About Our Prenatal Health Coaching? Call +971544251657 Now!


Benefits of Postnatal Fitness Classes

Continuing physical activity after giving birth helps the postpartum recovery process. The goals of postnatal fitness classes include restoring pelvic floor strength, rebuilding core muscles, improving posture, restoring cardiovascular fitness,

Continuing physical activity after giving birth helps the postpartum recovery process. The goals of postnatal fitness classes include restoring pelvic floor strength, rebuilding core muscles, improving posture, restoring cardiovascular fitness, relieving back pain, and supporting mental health.

Our postnatal physical therapy in Dubai helps women ease back into exercise after delivery. We focus on stabilizing core muscles, increasing pelvic stability, rebuilding strength, improving posture and alignment, and boosting mood. Our personal postnatal trainers work closely with you to develop a customized routine based on delivery method, recovery status, and fitness goals.

Get in Touch for Our Postnatal Physical Therapy in Dubai Today.

Prenatal and Postnatal Health Coaching

In addition to our specialized workout classes, GOFIT offers customized prenatal and postnatal health coaching. Our coaches provide support and guidance on:

  • Creating a well-balanced diet plan.
  • Tracking the need for pregnancy nutrition.
  • Setting the right fitness goals for each trimester.
  • Changing exercises as the body changes.
  • Managing common pregnancy discomforts.
  • Making a postpartum self-care plan.
  • Managing stress, anxiety, and depression.
  • Dealing with breastfeeding challenges.
  • Getting quality sleep with a newborn.

We will collaborate closely with you to create a tailored plan for your prenatal exercise classes or postnatal fitness classes based on your needs. Our personal coaches offer the information, tools, and support you need for a healthy, active pregnancy and postpartum recovery,

Contact Us Today to Get Started with Our Prenatal or Postnatal Exercise Classes in Dubai.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, it is usually fine to exercise during pregnancy, even with prior back issues. We will design a routine for you focused on improving back strength and avoiding painful motions. Our personal trainers will also recommend stretches, exercises, and techniques to help manage back discomfort.
Our prenatal classes are suitable for women at all fitness levels, even beginners. We will assess your current ability and develop an exercise routine to safely increase your strength, flexibility, and stamina. We will start slowly and gradually increase the duration and intensity of workouts under supervision.
If you were a regular runner before pregnancy, you can likely keep running while expecting. Avoid high-intensity sprints or long distances. Keep an eye on your body, and stop if you experience any pain or discomfort. Talk with your doctor and then let us help you adapt your routine if needed.
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